Wrongful Death


Wrongful Death Cases in St. Petersburg, FL

At the law firm of Jeanette Secor PA, we realize that most motorcyclists have a special bond with their motorcycles. We will assist you in either getting your motorcycle repaired or replaced. We will advocate for you and get you proper credit for every aspect of your machine. We realize that riding is usually a passion for most motorcyclists and we are sympathetic with your desire to get back to riding. Many law firms refuse to assist their clients with regard to getting the most compensation for their bikes, but we pride ourselves in getting you the most money for your bike by hiring appraisal experts if the insurance company is not being fair with you.

Did you know that motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to get in an accident than automobile drivers? Unfortunately, we find that even when a motorcyclist uses every safety precaution, they are still the most vulnerable of all vehicles on the road. Most of the time a motorcycle accident is not the fault of the motorcycle operator, but rather the fault of the other person involved.

If you have been the victim of a motorcycle accident, or have a loved one that was killed because of a motorcycle accident, attorney Jeanette J. Secor, PA offers you aggressive, professional representation to get the compensation that you deserve. If you have just lost a loved one to a motorcycle accident, it is imperative that you contact us. We are here to help ease the burden of motorcycle accident victims so that they can have the financial resources they need to try to recover mentally, physically, and financially.

Jeanette J. Secor, PA will collect the evidence and information needed to build your case. Our law firm gives you peace of mind because we work on your case on a contingent fee basis, which means that we will not get paid unless you receive financial compensation. Since the statute of limitations is ticking from the moment your accident happens, make sure to contact us as soon as possible to ensure that your injury case is successfully carried out. In the event of a wrongful death on a motorcycle, the statute of limitations is one year, so it is critical that you get immediate legal representation.

Let us take the necessary steps to try to get your case won and over.
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