Semi Truck Accidents


Large Truck Accident Injures in St. Petersburg, FL

The bigger the vehicle the larger the consequences. The damage caused by large trucks is usually much more severe because when they apply their brakes, it takes them significantly longer to stop. Therefore, when they hit the object, they keep going forward due to the sheer vehicle size. Click here to see a study showing how much longer it takes a large truck to stop. 

Often truck drivers do not get the sleep that Federal laws require. Instead of pulling over to take breaks, they continue driving so they can meet strict delivery times or earn more money. Without enough rest, drivers can suffer from fatigue that makes them more accident prone. 

According to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, trucking companies must keep a log of driving activities and equipment inspections. When a driver takes a break, it should get recorded in the log. Our attorneys often use these logs to show the court that drivers were fatigued while operating heavy machinery. The logs may also show that trucking equipment didn’t get the inspection and maintenance needed to work properly.

Once we have documentation, we can often prove that the accident wasn’t your fault.

Getting the Right Documents Now Will Improve Your Case
Unfortunately, the law only requires trucking companies to keep records for six months. As soon as six months pass, the trucking company often destroys its records. Our lawyers, therefore, have a limited amount of time to get the documents and build your case.

While it is possible to prove fault without driving logs, the job can take a lot of research and legwork. The physical documents make it easier to prove your side of the argument.

Don’t let time make it difficult for you to get the compensation that you deserve. Reach out to Jeanette J. Secor, PA now to get your case started. The sooner we have the driving logs, the easier it is to secure your compensation from the truck driver and company.
Let us take the necessary steps to try to get your case won and over.
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